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Topics - collin

Pages: [1]
Customization, Integration / Birthday Email
« on: March 15, 2006, 01:36:40 pm »

I'm loving your software!  It is working really well for us!  There is one thing we really need for a client.  We need to be able to send an email on an subscribers birthday.  Right now we have a user field that stores the birthday in a M/D format.  Then I was thinking I could make a custom user list with th e nice little sql query tool you have.  Basically select users where current date = birthday.  My problem is... how do I tell Daily mail to send this stored message everyday?  The message could be pulled from a url or possibly stored in mysql.  I just don't know whats the best way to setup a daily email.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  We would be willing to pay for this feature and share it with the rest of the community.

Thank you!

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